Oloum Al Mostqbal Group

It is a leading institution specialized in providing university and higher education services, vocational education, and technical training in the best universities.

About us

Oloum Al Mostqbal Group

The Future Sciences Group was established in the United Arab Emirates in the year 2022 AD to work in the field of higher education and...

  • Providing university and higher education services, vocational education and technical training in the most prestigious international universities.
  • It provides consultations for students of all nationalities wishing to pursue their academic studies in the best universities around the world.
  • Scientific research services and publishing specialized scientific research in respected, highly ranked journals.
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University Education

It includes diploma, bachelors, masters and doctoral programs from a number of different universities in various fields

Scientific Publishing

Scientific research is of great importance, which lies in the fact that it contributes to the development of science and raises the level of researchers...


It is a continuous and regular process throughout the lives of individuals, and it aims primarily to stimulate individuals’ abilities to achieve a high degree...

Linguistic Editing

In today's world, it is very important to write all texts without errors. Making mistakes reflects poorly on you, whether they are errors in the...


It is the language of the era and the most important element of marketing in general. It means the process of promoting and selling products...

Software and Electronic Services

Mobile and tablet application programming service: With technical progress, smart phones and tablets have become an essential part and element of individuals’ lives in contemporary...

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High professionalism





لوريم إيبسوم(Lorem Ipsum) هو ببساطة نص شكلي (بمعنى أن الغاية هي الشكل وليس المحتوى) ويُستخدم في صناعات المطابع ودور النشر. كان لوريم إيبسوم ولايزال المعيار...

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خبر _4

لوريم إيبسوم(Lorem Ipsum) هو ببساطة نص شكلي (بمعنى أن الغاية هي الشكل وليس المحتوى) ويُستخدم في صناعات المطابع ودور النشر. كان لوريم إيبسوم ولايزال المعيار...

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لوريم إيبسوم(Lorem Ipsum) هو ببساطة نص شكلي (بمعنى أن الغاية هي الشكل وليس المحتوى) ويُستخدم في صناعات المطابع ودور النشر. كان لوريم إيبسوم ولايزال المعيار...

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خبر 1

بمناسبة العيد الوطني ال٥٢ لدولة الامارات تقدم مجموعة علوم المستقبل فرصة للطلاب السودانيين لإكمال دراستهم الجامعية في مختلف التخصصات بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، برسوم دراسية...

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General strategy

Future Sciences Company adopts the concept of a comprehensive quality system in the implementation of all its work, provided that it has a special advantage, to become a limited institution with specific qualifications with high contemporary strength, and able to bear the contributions and consequences of business within the United Arab Emirates, and then be able to achieve the general strategic requirements and ambitions of the company. Dr

The company works to achieve the requirements of educational quality standards, which require that the preparation of precise educational details be prepared according to an organized method to meet the basic needs of the organization and individuals, and work to improve the differences in activities and elements of these. The company supports understanding the organizations internal environment, its requirements and its basic influencing variables in terms of: its mission, vision, goals, administrative methods, and culture to achieve them.

And the work requirements in it, in addition to his understanding of the external environment surrounding the institution, and being aware of all its variables, laws, and trends that affect or may affect the institution’s work and activities. This understanding of the institution’s internal and external environment enables the company’s management to develop a business strategy that contains great compatibility between programs. Educational variables and challenges contained in the internal and external environment of business institutions and society.










our partnerships